A collaborative magazine made based on the subject ‘FOMO’, the fear of missing out.
A collaborative magazine made based on the subject ‘FOMO’, the fear of missing out.
A collaboration with
Mirte Kort, Winta Ghebre
and Ellen Dempster.
Together we created a magazine titled 'the paradox of choosing'. The magazine features interviews, visual work and some extras created on the subject of FOMO, the fear of missing out. The cover of the magazine is made out of a plastic, with embroidery used on top for the title.
"Are you aware of the number of choices you make on a day? And how many of those choices are influenced by impulses on and of-screen? Think of the party you couldn't miss or the new product you had to try.
The paradox of choosing focuses on the so-called 'generation of choice,' and their fear of making the wrong one." We invite you to face this dynamic emotion and normalise the fear of missing out